Recall moments when you engage in a live chat with a customer service representative. Frequently, you encounter messages such as "I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble" or "I understand how that could be frustrating." Why do they employ such phrases? Frankly, they may or may not genuinely comprehend your frustration, but they aim to show empathy to customers, reassuring them that they care. This approach is equally effective in website communications. Showing empathy to customers establishes a connection, assuring them that you empathize with their concerns and are here to resolve their issues. To exemplify this strategy, I will examine the website content of the juice brand Phyll, whose website not only boasts a charming aesthetic but also features content that is both simple and on point. In my view, they adeptly demonstrate empathy to customers, effectively reaching individuals unfamiliar with their brand.
*disclaimer: I have zero connections with Phyll. I genuinely love their website and content.
Hero Section: Exhibit empathy to customers by understanding their busy schedule
Instead of focusing solely on hard facts like real fruits, they say: "You have enough to focus on. We’ve got your fruits and veggies covered." From a customer perspective, it feels more relatable.
Additionally, with the product images, it's evident what they are selling even without explicitly stating the word "juice.”

Product Highlight: Display empathy by addressing users’ concerns in making a purchase decision
How do you make users trust your brand and commit their money? Letting them know they can get their money back increases their trust in your brand. I understand a refund policy is a business decision rather than a marketing tactic, but if you have one, be sure to highlight it!

About Us Section: Showcase empathy by resonating with busy lifestyles
Instead of using generic phrases like "we are dedicated to delivering a healthy lifestyle," they show an understanding of a common roadblock to healthy meals — busy lives. It creates a sense of closeness.
One point I also appreciate is their statistic: only 1 in 10 adults eats the recommended daily serving of fruits or veggies. The target audience would likely think, "Oh, I should be the one instead of the 9.” Because everyone believes they are superior to others."

View how I used these tactics to write the website content: Encircled | Strategize brand strategy and redesign website homepage
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